Drops on my windshields

no post-processing
The latest acquisition here at home were 2 bicycles, a very healthy living style, so today I went for the 2nd ride. 

The moment I went to the street it started to rain, not much but enough to go back to the garage and go upstairs to dress a waterproof jacket.

Back on the street, less rain, nobody on the sidewalks and a nice feeling having smooth drops of water fall on me...

Then it started to rain more and more and oh my god I couldn´t see very well with my glasses full of drops,  luckily I was near home!

Took this photo before a good warm bath just to share the disadvantage of wearing glasses when it starts to rain, not really a very important thing I know!

Nevertheless, practice sports, do not fear the bad weather, don´t create excuses, do something healthy... and that´s all for today. 

post-processing: creative color - cool tone
