The Fairy and the Monster

Fairy likes to help and be there for others, she lives quietly in the forest. Fairy has a heart, a heart locked while she takes care of others but still that shines.

Monster passes each day through the woods, dressed in his dark and heavy coat, he sees everything with detail surrounding him, he sees the beauty of things but does not want to touch it, he is afraid of spreading the darkness.

One day he said to the Fairy that the place where she lived was beautiful.

Fairy smiled and did not see any darkness, only a heavy coat over Monster.

As the days passed Monster felt a warm feeling inside each time he walked through the forest and near Fairy.

At the same time Fairy unlocked her heart. It seems the key for unlocking had suddenly appeared by an act of magic.

Fairy and Monster are now friends and they like to talk about everything.

Monster listens to Fairy. Fairy never had very much time to talk about her feelings. Sometimes some Unicorns talked to Fairy, just some times because they also help others. Fairy and Monster now talk and talk, everyday...

The days are passing and Fairy and Monster do not need to talk, they look each other in the eyes and know everything they need to know in that moment.

Monsters do not exist, when someone hurts others is not a monster but a person that likes to hurt others. Fairies and unicorns I don’t know.

This is a story that I had to write in the middle of the night when I woke up. Fiction, reality, senseless, fairytale, state of mind - think whatever you want, I will not respond to anything more or less about it. I write with my heart while my mind is floating. Words can be read by all but only understood by a few. To me few is a lot, it's all I need to feel real.
